The S&P 500 is a stone’s throw from an official bear market (generally defined as a 20% decline from all-time highs), down 19% as of this writing. Likewise, the “recession” word is being tossed around more and more frequently. Keep reading for a free-of-charge checklist to help you gauge your readiness.
Read MoreFew among us enjoy filing a tax return. All of us, however, want to know it was done right, and many would like to know what the numbers mean. One easy win for gaining better clarity on how taxes work as well as several things to look for when reviewing your tax return can be found in this free checklist.
Read MoreInterested in understanding what happened with stocks and bonds during the first quarter of 2022? Read on and download a quarterly market review.
Read MoreWhatever form it takes, the feeling of accomplishment from receiving company stock is undeniable. Equity compensation can be a phenomenal vehicle for helping achieve your financial and lifestyle goals. One facet of owning company stock that employees receiving equity compensation often don’t think about, however, is the inherent risk and swings that come with potential overconcentration in your company.
Read MoreWhile the transition to remote work came with its hardships, it also sparked the idea that there was “something else” out there, and that it might be worth pursuing. What does it mean to go after a non-traditional retirement?
Read MoreSuccess – and what it means to be successful – is wholly and completely yours to define. You decide the terms.
Read MoreIf I were considering a financial planner – and, importantly, evaluating the quality of their advice – I’d want to know where and how they stay current on the latest research in financial planning and investing. Read on for my list of what I’m paying attention to.
Read MoreFor those with stock options (especially qualified or “incentive stock options”) or stock appreciation rights, there may be a way to make lemonade out of lemons. Read on for 6 steps when considering an option or SAR exercise during market swings.
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